What’s a zero harm culture?

Siemens is a major technology corporation that developed a program called Zero Harm Culture @ Siemens. We like their idea because it’s framed by an all encompassing internal culture and way of thinking – not just rules and procedures – to ensure Siemens’ goal of a zero incident workplace. 

The Siemens zero harm program fits into Active Shooter 360’s niche of workplace violence prevention and security. The zero harm program is anchored by three key concepts as follows:

1. Zero incidents are an achievable goal. This means that organizations must challenge the mindset of violence is the new normal or a this won’t work mentality.

2. Health and safety should never be compromised. The message is there are no health and safety trade-offs. 

3. We take care of each other. Most organizations have silos responsible for security, risk management, human resources, legal issues, and safety.  The key point is everyone – inside and outside the formal silos – is responsible for ensuring a non-violent safe and secure workplace.  

Key Takeaway:

Become an innovator – especially if you’re a manager – by fostering a Zero Harm Culture like they do at Siemens. Make zero incidents your goal, don’t compromise health and safety, take care of everyone, and expect them to take care of you.

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About Hank Christen

Dr. Hank Christen was an Atlanta Fire Department Battalion Chief, Emergency Manager, and Director of Emergency Services for Okaloosa County, Florida. He has responded to multiple disasters in his career and was the Incident Commander for Hurricane Erin, Opal, Earl, and Georges, and responded to Hurricane Andrew (Miami), and Hurricane Marilyn (U.S. Virgin Islands). He co-authored eight books on crisis management and the incident command system in the disaster response field. Dr. Christen has served on a team that evaluated a biological non-traditional syndromic surveillance program during the 2000 George Bush Presidential Inauguration. Dr. Christen has also responded with a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (FL-1 DMAT) to the 2001 World Trade Center Attack, and served as team commander during the team’s deployment to the Atlanta Olympic Bombing. Additionally. Dr. Christen has served on a panel that evaluated the medical response to the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2014. Dr. Hank Christen EdD currently is responsible for developing curriculum, technical writing, and instructing courses with Active Shooter 360, LLC. The materials developed and taught by Dr. Christen include Active Shooter Awareness, Threat Intervention Practices, Incident Command System (ICS), Crisis Decision Making, and Emergency Operations Planning.

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